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    I'm a 20-something, recently married, runner who recently moved to New York City. Questions? Email therunnerwife (at) gmail (dot) com!

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Week 1-ish

Week One-ish started with a farewell from Boston, my Boston office crew and our Boston friends who, thank goodness, helped us pack our moving truck on the 10th. Wednesday the 11th dawned cool and cloudy and we were greeted by a note clingling to the Budget windshield from our favorite lovebirds and my heart skipped a beat as I took one last look at our neighborhood – said farewell to the 4 mi and 2.5 mi loops I’d memorized during early morning runs with our pup, enjoyed a last latte from the Starbucks on the 1st floor of our building and shed a tear for our garage parking space. 4 hours and 1 bathroom stop later, we arrived in NYC and were met by more great friends (side note: how did I get to be blessed with so many wonderful people in my life?) who swiftly – in spite of the abysmally slow elevator – unloaded the truck and returned to their jobs/lives/families.

The Huz, the intrepid traveller, returned to Boston that night to finish his corporate gig and cash in on his bonus while I remained in NYC in the good care of my in-laws. I had meals delivered, support provided and entertainment in abundance on Thursday and Friday. A quick jaunt to my office on Friday (with a stop to trip on the sidewalk while hustling down Park Avenue, eating an apple and staring up at the beautiful architecture on every block) eased my concerns about my new work environment. To their credit, the New York office is so incredibly friendly. I’ve been visited, taken to lunch, and included from day 1 and I am so thankful for that.

Saturday was bright and sunny so I leashed up my four-legged friend and we trotted merrily up to 86th St and over to Central Park where we bandit ran part of a NYRR event (I really need to register with them soon, but more on that in a bit) and then discovered a field on the West Side with a group of larger dogs racing around off leash. After a brief moment of concern, I decided to do as Cesar Millan is always saying and opted to trust Bodhi not to run off with a new owner. Free to do as he wished, he darted off to play with two other dogs – Sammie and Nutmeg – and I don’t know that he’s ever looked happier.

The Huz returned that evening and we unpacked and prepared for the long workweek ahead as much as possible, though we were not thrilled to be surprised by an overflowed toilet at 10pm on Sunday night!

I’m happy to report that work week 1 went well for both of us. The Huz is settling into his new job and enjoying the high-horsepower scenery quite a bit. We continued to spend our evenings unpacking and I experimented with some classes at my new gym, until….

Thursday. Oh Thursday. Thursday sent warning signals loud and clear to me from the beginning but I stubbornly refused to comply and ventured out into the world, rather than staying safely under the covers. Several nights of poor sleep combined with a touch of rain in the air and a late start led to a rushed walk to work. I managed to eat both my breakfast and lunch by 10am (I suppose it really is true that we eat more when we dont get enough sleep!) and hurried off to my spinning class at 12:30 to burn off some of those indulgent calories. Not wanting to look like the foolish outsider that I am, I stole glances at the other bikers (“Oh, biker. I’m an idiot) and their set-ups before class began. Apparently I missed the part where you learn how to tighten the straps that hold your feet into the death trap pedals because when we began the “running” segment of our mountainous journey, I dropped the resistance as instructed and promptly spun out of control. Left foot careened toward the floor and was met by the pedal to which it was no longer affixed with a loud “WHACK” and a very unnatural twist and turn as the pedal popped off of the bike due to the force with which it hit me and flew halfway across the studio. If I ever see Carol, the woman who helped my sorry person down from my bike and out to the stretching area, again, I will immediately hug her. After 20 minutes of icing my leg, I hobbled down to the locker room and changed and skulked out of the gym as quickly as possible. Two days of RICE and the swelling/bruising has dispersed over my ankle foot, rather than looking like the golfball that appeared almost immediately, so I’m hoping it’s just a sprain and I’ll be back in business in a few weeks.

My parents had a party to attend on Sunday in Connecticut so we were lucky to be able to spend some time with them, and my brother, on Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Ah the healing powers of a good old hug from Mom and Dad.

Week 2 promises to be chilly, but sunny, here in the Big Apple, and I promise to post photos very soon. I know both The Huz and I are looking forward to less unpacking and more relaxing in our new apartment and hopefully it will really begin to feel like home soon!