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By now they're so hungry, they could eat a zigzog!

Any guesses where the title of my post comes from? It just so happens to be from one of my favorite movies, and one I’m totally craving right now.

Speaking of crazy hunger though, my eats recently have totally reflected the hunger pains I’ve been having since I started to up my mileage! Too bad I’m still trying to work off my post-injury weight gain, but I suppose it’ll happen all in good time, right? And besides, I’ve said before the marathon training is NOT the time for weight loss. I guess there’ll just be a little more of me to love for a little while 😉

I was so inspired by Brandi’s stuffed mushrooms that I had to make them on Monday night. Sadly, mine weren’t quite as attractive as hers, but they were still very tasty!


I used this recipe from myrecipes.com and it made enough for 4 large caps and 1 small one, plus another cup of filling and additional bread crumb/cheese mix, which I toasted up after we’d finished our meal.


On Tuesday morning, I woke up a bit late so, rather than the oatmeal I’ve been having lately:


I had a sliced nectarine and a Key Lime Pie Larabar on my way out the door!


11:45am: A mega salad from Dishes! This beauty had sweet and spicy corn salad with zucchini; mixed greens; tarragon beet salad, 2 pieces of roasted eggplant with vietnamese sauce; sesame noodles with tahini sauce; and vietnamese summer rolls with grilled chicken, hoisin sauce, fresh herbs and cucumber. The summer roll was absolutely incredible! All the greens made it so fresh and there was just a touch of hoisin to give it some moisture. I seriously contemplated going back for a few more to enjoy for dinner!


3pm: After my gym class, I had a XXX Vitamin Water10. My coworker had picked up an Arizona Arnold Palmer and, while that sounded so appealing, it had Splenda in it. Drat! I know I’m better off for my sweetener intolerance, but sometimes it’s just so darn inconvenient. I was glad our little office newstand started carrying Vitamin Water though. I know it’s not perfect, but it sure it tasty!

3:30pm: Small bowl of raspberries with a sprinkling of mini chocolate chips and dried coconut.


I’d intended this dish to be oatmeal topping, but my lunch was so huge that I knew afternoon oatmeal would put me right to sleep. This dish was tasty, had different tastes and textures, and gave me a nice afternoon chocolate fix.

7:30pm: I was on my own for dinner, so I went revisited the Sesame Soba Noodles recipe I made a few months ago. This time, I used a small yellow pepper and a mini head of broccoli. Of course, I doused the whole dish in Sriracha and dug right in!


8pm: I stopped at the store on my way home from work and was in search of a new, single serving dessert. I was so happy when I found these:


These are a great alternative to the phenomenal Haagen Dazs bars that I love so dearly, but that wreak havoc on my digestive system. I really enjoyed the subtle coconut flavor and the light chocolate coating. And what goes better with chocolate than a nice glass of red wine? Nothing! I sipped a glass of the 2007 Louis Jadot Beaujolais-Villages we’d opened for the stuffed mushrooms the night before:


and I got to work packing to the Healthy Living Summit this weekend!! I’m very fortunate that I work for a firm that has a Boston office (my old digs!) and I have meetings scheduled for Thursday. I took a vacation day on Friday so I can get some appointments taken care of and get ready for a great weekend full of friends old and new! I don’t think I’m going to take my laptop with me, though, so blogging might be sparse. However, I’ve got a few posts prepped for my absence and all of the other (more dependable) attendees will certainly be writing all about it!

I get on the plane tonight, so please think good thoughts for me (I hate flying more than anything in the world) and have a wonderful Wednesday!