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Rockin’ It Solo

On Friday, we picked Bodhi up from the animal hospital and brought him home.

Poor puppy was so wiped out from the pain killers that he really didn’t want to do anything but sleep.

Wanting to keep things simple, we ordered pizza with mushrooms and broccoli and watched Runaway. Nothing like a throwback film to start the weekend off right! I had three slices of a 14″ pizza and cut them a bit smaller to feel like I was eating a little more. (I also topped it with some Sriracha, yum!)

On Saturday, The Huz headed to Boston to surprise one of our closest friends. Her fabulous boyfriend planned and executed a fabulous birthday party and, by the Huz’s accounts, it was a complete success. We both wanted to beat the bad weather that was on its way so I woke up at 6:30am to have a cherry pie Larabar mini before my run.

Then I was off to Central Park to meet Megan for a fabulous long run. There is something truly sublime about running with a friend. The miles ticked by as we talked about our families, hometowns, holiday plans, blogging and more. When we got back to our starting point, I suggested we tack on the 2-mile bridle path just because I wasn’t ready to part ways! Many thanks to Megan for humoring me and sharing a chilly, but sunny, Saturday morning run. All told, I ended up running about 11 miles so I was famished when I got home. So much so, that I didn’t take a picture of the Happy Herbivore cornbread I toasted with some cranberry sauce. Oops!

I did photograph my lunch, which was s(o)uper tasty: Amy’s Thai Coconut soup with deep sea salted soy crisps.

Unfortunately, the combination of lousy weather, missing Huz and sad puppy proved to be too much for me and I had not one or two, but SEVERAL little bowls of raw almonds, dried cherries and chocolate chips throughout the afternoon.

For dinner, I just made a bowl of pasta with marinara sauce and shaved romano cheese while watching Harry Potter. Now I want to get back into the books! For some reason, I stalled out after the third book, but my interest has been renewed. This is one of the rare times I wish I had a commute to work 😉

Sunday started with a long walk with Bodhi and my last Chobani (tear!). I had the blueberry flavor with a few handfuls of maple pecan cereal. It was tasty, but I’m so glad I got to try the other flavors – my favorites are definitely pineapple and peach. Many thanks to Chobani for sending me the samples I showcased here! Around 1, I hit the grocery store(s) for weekly ingredients and roasted an acorn squash for lunch. I only ended up having half before meeting The Huz at the bar to watch the second half of the Steelers game. Can you believe he went straight to the bar from the highway so he wouldn’t miss any more of the game?? At the bar, I had an Amstel Light, and cried into my glass while watching the Steelers’ season go down the drain.

The rest of the afternoon/evening involved dinner (baked organic king salmon, roasted red pepper and acorn squash), dessert (coconut sorbet with cranberry sauce) and more recipe testing. I made two more Happy Herbivore recipes that were definitely my kind of food – they involved peanut butter!

The first was a peanut butter spread, which was the perfect way to make a wonderful peanut butter flavor stretch a little further than your average spoonful and then I used the spread to make peanut butter cups. I’m not going to post the picture b/c I think I was a little overzealous with the peanut portion (it looks like a three-layer cake!), but the taste is really very good. The chocolate is more intense, like a dark chocolate Newman’s PB cup and the recipe is SO simple. I can’t wait to see Linsday’s finished cookbook!!

The last of my weekend was spent holiday shopping. I honestly don’t know how I ever did shopping before the internet. I’ve ordered everyone’s gifts except my father-in-law and The Huz.

If you have a significant other, do you exchange gifts at the holidays? What’s the favorite gift you’ve ever GIVEN?

14 Responses

  1. Aww Bodhi – poor guy, haha.

    Glad that the party was a success!

    I want to see the recipe results, please!! 🙂

  2. My favorite gifts to give are experiences. I think the best was when I put together a date package for my brother and his wife with a gift certificate for dinner and the movies and agreed to babysit for the night. They were thrilled to have a night out 🙂

    • Aww what a sweet idea! I agree that giving experiences is a great gift idea. I can only imagine how much your brother and sister-in-law appreciate their gift from you!

  3. You were in Boston?! Holla at your girl next time 🙂
    I do the same thing with pizza. I like to make my food last as long as possible 🙂

    Hope your pup is feeling well soon.

    • I wish I’d been in Boston! The Huz rocked Beantown solo this time so I had to hold down the fort in NYC. You better believe I’ll be sending out a call to Boston bloggers next time I’m in the city!

  4. Sounds like a great run on Saturday! I’m flying solo this weekend as well and plan to wrap up all my holiday shopping. I’m going to try to do some of it online today!!

  5. i did a bit of shopping a few weeks ago when kyle was out of town. he already knows what hes getting, though. im not good at surprises when i am excited to give people gifts, haha.

    so glad bodhi is doing ok.

    online shopping here i come!

  6. i have been lusting over that coconut amy’s thai soup, and am so glad to hear a good report. that was just what i needed to take the plunge to buy it.

    poor bodhi – get well soon!

    i dont like shopping online – there is something about going to browse a store that makes it so fun 🙂

    • i agree – i prefer to shop in the store, but i feel like stores in NYC are so crazy now that i just end up getting overwhelmed and rushing about with no hope of finding anything at all!

  7. We exchange gifts…the best gift I ever gave him was a season pass for snowboarding…sadly, I think I was more excited about it than he was. 😦 Oh well!

  8. I love the idea of putting sriracha on pizza!!

    Your run sounds fab, I wish I had friends who liked to run.

    I’m currently single, but when I am attached I like to buy experiences rather than items – like concert tickets or a weekend getaway. Maybe that’s just so I can enjoy the gift too, haha.

  9. Hooray for running! I’ll meet you anytime for some miles 🙂

    I think the best presents are either homemade (I love baking people fancy cakes for birthdays) or an experience (vacation, concert, race entry, etc). Living in NYC, I think I’d go nuts without online shopping. Herald Square and Rockefeller Center (tourists!!) make me break out in hives this time of year, haha.

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