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    I'm a 20-something, recently married, runner who recently moved to New York City. Questions? Email therunnerwife (at) gmail (dot) com!

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Bad, bad Blogger!

Quick recap of the past 2 months:
– wearing real heels for the first time since the spinning accident today – oh glorious day!
– not running much, haven’t gotten into an exercise groove
– tracking my food/exercise again and trying to revisit “intuitive eating”

So without further ado…

7-8am: wine glass full of green monster (named by Angela at ohsheglows.com)
Filled my go-mug with most of it and poured the rest into one of our big wine glasses.

2 handfuls baby spinach
1/2 frozen banana
spoonful raw almond butter
1/2 c. original Almond Breeze
1/2 c. water
2 ice cubes

Walked to work sans music this morning and let my mind wander. I’ve been thinking about this whole “Saturn Return” that my friend told me about yesterday. I think maybe I’m entering the beginning of this cycle and it’s time to start some spiritual spring cleaning and replanting of my soul’s garden. I’ve worked pretty hard to be a good person to this point, but it seems like my fairly perpetual state of frustration and “funk” may be a clue to some bigger issues that are demanding some addressing. More on this as I (hopefully!) receive the guidance I so desperately need and I start working through my heart and head.

Had one of my small PB&Berry bars when I got to work and snacked on some Kashi cereal and another homemade bar (chocolate chip cookie), which sort of rounded out my breakfast/lunch by 1pm. Had my afternoon snack at 2:15 – strawberry activia yogurt with flax seeds and 3/4 c. Fiber One cereal. I’m thinking about leaving work at 4 to hit the gym and then enjoy my leftover green monster on the way home from my workout. Maybe 45 minutes of incline walking or elliptical? Hmmm…sounds lovely to me!

I’m also thinking of doing a Crap Free Week (CFW) starting today. Angela inspired me and I’ve set up some goals for my CFW:
– Green monster every AM (even better if I can make a big one and have half in the AM and half in the PM!)
– No refined sugars
– No dairy, except Activia yogurt
– Lots of fruits and vegetables
– No mindless snacking – journal all food and take pictures when possible
– Eat all meals on a plate, sitting at a table or desk

The last two bullets are my biggest challenges. I find it so easy to wander into the kitchen when I get home from work and start snacking on dried fruit, nuts, etc. All healthy food, but it’s mindless snacking and that has to stop. So far, today has been wonderfully crap free, so here’s to another 6.5 days!

Thoroughly enjoyed my workout – 20 minutes of inclined walking at 14% and 4.0 mph and a little bit of running mixed in. Then 25 minutes on the ArcTrainer. Enjoyed Part 2 of my green monster on my walk home and took Bodhi for a brief walk to the dog park. Speaking of Bodhi, today was the first workday we left him out of the crate while we were gone and I’m very pleased to say, it was a complete success! I don’t know if we’ll do it all the time, at least to start with, but I’m so glad we’re making progress!

Had a very tasty dinner – leftover whole wheat pasta with Alaskan cod sauteed in a white wine sauce with lots of fresh garlic and grape tomatoes.

Enjoyed my dessert as well – some dried fruit and raw nuts, and one of the raw chocolate chip cookie balls I’ve become completely addicted to!

Also working on finishing up my 3L of water for the day and had one more cookie ball around 9pm.

Hope you have a great night!

EDIT: Had a few small snacks at 10pm: 1 cookie ball (taste testing my new batch!, 3 pieces of dried mango and a pinch of dried coconut). It was just too good to resist! I’m trying not to let myself get frustrated b/c, overall, I had a VERY healthy and good day. I suppose that’s what really matters, right?