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    I'm a 20-something, recently married, runner who recently moved to New York City. Questions? Email therunnerwife (at) gmail (dot) com!

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That’s how I feel right now. I haven’t exercised since Friday and it’s starting to drive me a little nuts. Granted, I did a bit of walking over the weekend, and I walked to and from work each day so far this week, but I haven’t raised my heart rate or broken a sweat. I was mulling over the recent stagnant feeling while munching on dinner:

We had sundried tomato chicken breasts from Trader Joe’s and I thinly sliced a baby Italian eggplant and yellow pepper. The eggplant got dry roasted in the toaster oven and the pepper was sauteed in a bit of olive oil. All got served with a mixed greens salad dressed with homemade vinaigrette.

The chicken was okay, but I couldn’t help thinking about the movie I watched last night. The Huz and I did some research tonight on CSA shares and greenmarkets here in Manhattan. It looks like there’s one close to our apartment, but it’s a bit small and only goes until mid-December. After that, we’ll probably have to head to Union Square to pick up our local goodies but I guess that’s what I have canvas bags for, right?

For dessert, I had a small dish of chocolate and raspberry sorbet with raw almonds. Then I got the munchies just before 9:00 and had a handful of hard honey whole wheat pretzels. I tried not to get down on myself for something as simple as that, but the indulgence coupled with the lack of exercise is made me feel a bit blah.

I need to start making my food and exercise a bit more of a priority, I think. Now that the marathon is over, I have to eat and exercise for my long term health. It’s just so easy to throw responsibility to the wind, especially with the holidays around the corner and the cooler weather setting in.

To start, hopefully I’ll be out running when you read this post! Stay tuned later today for a shot of the (I hope!) healthier eats too.

How do you refocus yourself when you are feeling out of sorts?

13 Responses

  1. set short term attainable goals to get myself back on track. Don’t look at the big picture. Just think about what little change I can do right now. Then they start adding up into big changes!

  2. I completely know the feeling! When I feel like that, I focus on my diet first, and then on workouts. With the food I try to make a meal plan (literally or just in my head) about the food I will eat throughout the week. That usually helps me feel in control to get back on track 🙂

  3. after races, i always have lulls in my exercise (healthy lifestyle) and i get a little annoyed but try not to beat myself up about it (try being the operative word there…). anyways, to help me get back on track i download some new music bc a “treat” like a fun, new upbeat playlist is one of the only things able to motivate me to go to the gym. now that the weather is changing, im going to need to employ a whole number of tricks though…

  4. To get myself back on track, I do what elise said and download new workout music, maybe buy a new tshirt to wear while working out, and of course hit the grocery store for healthy eats.

    Your dinner looks like it came from a restaurant!

  5. Hey – thanks for visiting my blog! Looks like you’re an NYC blogger as well. You’ll have to come to the next blogger dinner (or run)!

    BTW – I really want to watch Food Inc. It’s in my Netflix queue – I may need to bump it up a few notches. Whereabouts in the city do you live?

  6. Eggplant is one of my favorite veggies! Great movie!!

  7. To refocus, I usually CLEAN. When my apartment is in order, I feel like it will be a piece of cake to get the rest of my life in order.

    I’m also all about “treating” myself every now and then…shopping, manicure or even just sitting in the sauna after a workout or doing an at-home facial. It makes things seem better and helps me get back on track.

    Your meal looked really good!

  8. I’m in the exact same position right now (well except the whole marathon part haha) and I need to get back on track! Let me know what works for you, I need all the help I can get 🙂

  9. Don’t stress about your exercise too much.. sometimes I find I need a little break and then my workouts are even better than before!

  10. I hear ya on the exercise sluggishness. I feel squishy, slothful, and mentally slow when I don’t get in my usual exercises. It is such a release. When I need to refocus, I usually just start up a new workout regimine or set a new running goal to keep motivated. Running for charity is also a great way to stay motivated and in action. If I know I’m doing something that not only benefits myself, but others, then I really feel the impetus to stick with it.

    Your dinner looks so colorful and yummy! I tend to judge the nutritional density of my meals by the amount of color they possess. 🙂

  11. I feel the same way – I haven’t ridden my bike in 4 days and I am starting to feel sluggish again. I must hit it tomorrow or I’ll really continue the slacking.

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