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    I'm a 20-something, recently married, runner who recently moved to New York City. Questions? Email therunnerwife (at) gmail (dot) com!

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Thirsty Thursday

When the alarm went off this morning, I was just not feeling the need for speed, and when S gave me the out by asking if I wanted to run, I was a goner. Fast forward a half hour of very sound sleep and I was finally able to pull myself out of bed. Some days I just don’t have the pep in my step! I did pick out a cute skirt and my favorite new black v-neck top to wear since the weather here in the Big Apple has finally decided to start behaving – 85 and sunny baby! Packed up my food for the day and enjoyed my wine goblet of Green Monster. Today’s mix was more of the same (2 cups spinach, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup original almond breeze, 1/2 cup water, 4 ice cubes, 1/3 seedless cucumber, 1 spoonful raw almond butter). I filled the wine glass and then put the rest into my go mug for an afternoon treat.
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Today’s workday menu: a homemade coconut creme bar, Kashi Heart to Heart cereal, Vanilla Activia yogurt (my favorite flavor!), 2 L water, Green Monster Part 2
Coconut Creme Bar:
Coconut Creme Bar
I spent my walk to working thinking about the posts I’ve been reading on Oh She Glows and Healthy Tipping Point about negative self talk and the importance of loving myself the way I am today rather than in 10 pounds. Every time I saw someone who was thinner or prettier than I see myself, I countered the negative thoughts with positive ones. I also refused to let my mind whirl in circles of what to eat and when throughout the day and the pending holiday weekend.
I find I’ve always been a big planner and, with most events, planning has been beneficial. But when it comes to my diet and exercise, I plan myself into a frenzy and that inevitably results in some very unhealthy decisions. Rather than allowing myself to get caught up in the stress of saving calories for a big dinner later this weekend, or what I will eat at the graduation I’m attending on Sunday, I repeated a very simple mantra “It’s OK!” until I felt myself relax again. I don’t know if anyone actually reads my blog, but if I have a reader or two out there in the world, what techniques do you have for dealing with stress?
I munched on my Bar throughout the morning and had Kashi around 1. I knew I had a 3pm meeting so I snuck out at 2:30 to enjoy the sunshine for a little while and walked around for a bit before ducking back into my cave. I had my yogurt with a big spoonful of flax seeds after the meeting around 3:30.

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