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    I'm a 20-something, recently married, runner who recently moved to New York City. Questions? Email therunnerwife (at) gmail (dot) com!

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Sick Day

So I didn’t make it to the gym yesterday but did have a nice walk home and had dinner at my in-laws’ apartment. We had great indian food and finished the night off with a sesame cookie. (No pictures as I’m not quite ready to reveal my blog to my inlaws yet!)

We left the windows open in the bedroom for a few nights, but it’s been very humid and a mosquito must have come into our apartment b/c I woke up yesterday with a bunch of bug bites. Thankfully, after making sure we didn’t have bed bugs or anything more serious, I realized we still had some Benadryl in the medicine cabinet. I took two before going to dinner and it honestly just wiped me out. I went through dinner feeling like I was going to fall asleep on my dinner plate! We got to sleep around 11, but were woken up at 3 to a huge thunder and lightning storm. While I usually love storms like this, our puppy is definitely not a fan. The Huz and I spent almost an hour sitting in the living room with him, trying to calm him, keeping the TV on to relax him, etc, and then finally went back to bed around 4. When the alarm went off at 6:30 though, I felt like I could have slept for another year! I had a headache (either from the Benadryl, or just lack of sleep) and finally decided to call out of the office for the day.

Best decision I could have made, honestly. I really don’t like taking time off from work, especially since I have an awful lot to do, but I could tell I was starting to feel burned out and I think the headache/fatigue was my body’s way of telling me I needed an off day. I slept until around 11, had a Coco Choco bar, and then had some pasta salad leftovers, 1/2 a flax wrap and a spoonful of babbaganoush around 2 while I watched Homeward Bound and curled up with the pup.


I also snacked around the kitchen a bit and I’m still struggling with some serious fat talk, but I think I just need to let myself go through this funk. I wish I could just snap out of it though!

How do you work through fat talk or funks that you find yourself in? Do you have strategies for stopping snacking/binge eating in its tracks?