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Humpday “Quickie”

I know, I know, but I couldn’t help myself with the title!


8 Mega Green Monster: 1 large banana, 1/3 cucumber, 4 leaves organic kale, 2 handfuls organic baby spinach, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1 heaping T. almond butter

*This filled two large water glasses and tasted great!!

10:30 1 container Fage 2% with sliced organic strawberries and a drizzle of honey

 6-9 007


AM: 35 minute Baptiste Power Yoga podcast: This was a great way to start my morning! I got up when The Huz took Bodhi out, tidied the apartment and got the dog’s food/water ready and then set my mat out. The podcast was a full 30 minutes and, while it didn’t feel super challenging, I can already feel it a bit in my arms. I also appreciated having the quiet time, and working up a little bit of a sweat, first thing in the morning.

Home-Work walk (2 miles)


I got a little overzealous at the health foods store on Sunday and I’m not quite sure what to make for dinner! I have a package of shirataki noodles, and a pack of extra firm tofu. I don’t know if I want to combine these (that’s a LOT of soy!), but I’m looking for suggestions for a meal using one or the other! I also have marinara sauce, 1 yellow squash, a handful of sliced mushrooms, a sweet potato and a bell pepper. HELP! 🙂

9 Responses

  1. You managed to squeeze “hump” and “quickie” into one title! LOL

    Your photos make the food look so good I want to eat the computer screen!

  2. LOL at your hump day quickie!

  3. Fage = YUMMY! Greek yogurt is my passion haha!

    That sounds like a great podcast! Did you download it from itunes? I just downloaded my first podcast, a Dave Farmar Power Yoga, and am still a little confused with how podcasts work. I did the first episode, and then about a week later the 2nd one downloaded, but I can’t seem to get back to the first? Does the first one get erased once a new one is downloaded?

    Have fun with dinner tonight! Sounds like you got some great ingredients to whip together!

    • Greek yogurt really is tasty! I haven’t tried other brands, but I’m curious!

      I did download the podcast from iTunes, but I’m also pretty new at this stuff. I’ll let you know what I find out as I do some investigating!

  4. i would probably go the easy route and make the noodles with marinara sauce and sauteed veggies. always a winner in my book!

    the title is priceless 🙂

  5. I never thought of adding cucumber to a GM! good idea! There’s a recipe on my recipes page that involves those noodles called April’s italian tower.. you could do something like that with the veggies you have on hand!

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